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Let's Enjoy the Trip. Inglés para Turismo
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- Sistema educativo: LOE
- Idioma: Español / Castellano
- Impresión: Color
- Páginas: 244
- Formato: 21 x 27 cm
- Edición: 2025
- Peso: 0,64 kg.
- Editorial: Paraninfo
Let's Enjoy the Trip. Inglés para Turismo
Let’s Enjoy the Trip is a new method specifi cally tailored to the needs of students studying vocational training courses in Tourism (Ciclos Formativos de la familia profesional de Hostelería y Turismo).
The content of this course follows the syllabus of these studies. It provides students with the necessary basic skills in the English language to help them succeed in today’s professional world of Tourism.
With Let’s Enjoy the Trip, students can practice both the receptive and productive skills of the foreign language —listening, reading, writing and speaking— through up-to-date texts and motivating meaningful activities.
This student’s book also includes grammar and vocabulary exercises so students can also use it as a workbook.
Besides individual and class work, students will also be required to work in teams to search for extra information in order to expand their knowledge: projects, websites, etc. Special emphasis is placed on developing oral skills, as communication in English will be crucial for their professional development.
Key features include:
-- Varied topics related to the fi eld of Tourism.
-- Extensive and specifi c vocabulary used in context.
-- Comprehensive basic grammar coverage and review charts.
-- Relevant listening materials.
-- Communicative speaking activities.
-- Interesting reading texts from different sources.
-- Varied and useful writing practice.
-- Self-assessment sections in every unit.
-- Appendices with extra grammar and other materials.
El solucionario de este libro es exclusivo
para el profesorado que tenga el libro
adoptado para la docencia.
No está disponible para particulares.
Introductory Unit. Welcome on Board!
1. Looking for a job in tourism.
2. Protocol and Tourism.
Project 1. Where could we go…?
3. Top 10 tourist destinations!
4. The travel agency.
Project 2. Next destination!
5. Arrival at your destination!
6. Problems with my trip.
Project 3. If I plan a trip, I will go to …
7. Travel checklist.
8. Tourist routes around the world.
Final Project: Time to design a route!
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